Alopecia Areata Onion

Alopecia Areata Onion

Alopecia Areata Onion Juice for Hair Regrowth

Alopecia areata is a condition of hair loss the can cause the fast beginning of baldness round patches. The causes of Alopecia Areata is unknown, even though in several cases, autoimmune diseases have been associated with Alopecia Areata.

Alopecia Areata Onion

Alopecia Areata Onion

There are many hair treatment products offered for alopecia areata in the market. But lots of them are expensive and the side effects are shown in the long run. Using natural remedies is the best solution to fight Alopecia areata. There are no side effects in natural treatment for alopecia areata because the remedies used are totally natural.

Onion Juice for Hair Loss

The Dermatology Journal June 2002 edition is reported that 86% patients experienced hair growth after using topical treatment onion juice in the trial. If you want to try onion juice for hair growth, it is very simple to make your own onion juice.

Alopecia Areata Onion

It is popular from ages that Allium cepa (onion) have lots of medicinal functions such as for treating Alopecia areata. Raw onion juice can promote the hair strands growth from the hair less patches in 2 weeks. It is still under researches in how onion juice assists in stimulating hair growth. But the clinical trials have reported that onion juice can stimulate the hair growth in a length time.

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