Beta Sitosterol Hair Loss Dosage

Beta Sitosterol Hair Loss Treatment

Beta sitosterol is an extract of a natural plant that used to prevent thinning hair in women and men. It has properties of androgen blocking that allow it to affect the responsible of hormones for female and male pattern baldness. When beta sitosterol is taken as a daily supplement, it gives the best work on women and men who have just lately noted excessive thinning hair or premature balding sign.

Before beta sitosterol is taken for hair loss, you should consult with your doctor first. The other function of beta sitosterol is reducing cholesterol level. So make certain if your cholesterol level in normal or low level and you take beta sitosterol.

Beta Sitosterol Dosage for Hair Loss

Beta sitosterol hair loss dosage is every day this supplement is taken 60-130 mg. You can take beta sitosterol with or without food. Continue taking this beta sitosterol supplement for at least 6 months. Usually you can notice the important changes in about 6-12 months.

Beta Sitosterol Hair Loss Results and Effects

Watch your improvement with photos and notices to decide changes in pattern of hair loss. If after a year you don’t see the significant results or effects on your thinning hair pattern, you can stop taking beta sitosterol.

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