Hair Transplant Scar Repair

Hair Transplant Scar Repair

Previous to do hair transplant scar repair, it is very necessary to concern about history of patient and find out particularly what, if something wrong with earlier surgeries. It is presuming to consider that just only because a patient has scarring, the next method will make it better.

The unacceptable scar may be caused by bad healing essential to the patient like the propensity to keloids form. It also can be caused by a genetic tendency to poor healing because of defects of connective tissue for example Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Drug induced coagulopathies or genetic, or medicines that obstruct with healing can also make an unacceptable scars. Also, complications for examples a post-operative infection or the patient don’t follow post-up directions such as doing strenuous exercise or smoking also can cause scarring.

Because underline in the earlier discussion, a depleted donor supply is the main restrictions to a successful hair transplant scar repair. The 2 major factors can cause failure to harvest extra hair. The first factor is the limit of physical set by the blend of bad scalp mobility and low donor density.

When density of donor is low, a larger strip should be harvested to get a sufficient number of hairs. However, a tight scalp can reduce the strip size that can be taken away. After multiple methods, trying to harvest extra hair is no longer worth the possibility widened scar. Each hair transplant scar repair method concurrently reduces density of donor and scalp laxity, but defectively performed surgery does this a better degree and reduces the supply without making balanced cosmetic enhancement in the recipient scalp.

The visibility of the donor scars is the second factor. Previously the donor scars are to the place of close to visibility, the capability to harvest extra hair is harshly limited, as additional surgery would make previous transplant surgery of the patients obvious.

The method for example Follicular Unit Extraction or it is known as FUE hair transplant are useful for hair transplant scar repair. The procedure of this surgery is units of follicular are harvested straight from the donor location without a linear removal. The effectiveness of this method is limited, nevertheless, as important donor scarring makes taking away hair without transection hard and a zone of donor of low density limits the number of hair that can be taken away without the place becoming too clear.

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