Hair Transplant Scars

Hair Transplant Scarring – Hair Transplant Scar Removal

hair transplant scars. People who have experienced hair transplant will have a consequence of having the scar on their back head.

Hair Transplant Scars

We have already known that usually people have unpleasant scars after doing hair transplant surgery. Unluckily some of us have undergone this first hand and have to suffer from unpleasant

There are some options that is offered to repair hair transplant scars, some lasting and others not.


MHT or micro hair tattooing is a method that conceals the previous hair transplant scars with what looks authentic hair.


You can choose FUE or follicular unit extraction for your hair transplant scar. The hair is taken from donor area and replanted around and on the hair transplant scars. This procedure would be good for patients who have a little scar and an amount of healthy hair left still in the area of donor.


You might be a good patient to have your hair transplant scar is your scalp flexibility is good. The scar will be opened up and reclosed again. This method of hair transplant scar reducing is good for people who have a good scalp stretch.


Some people who suffer from hair transplant scars and opt to wear their hair fairly short, they choose concealer. They apply it to conceal the hair transplant scarring. You should be cautious that the head where scar is can’t be touched by people. You must sure that in severe weather situations you are covered up as if not you should apply the concealer again if you got caught in the rain.