Does FUE Hair Transplant Work

Does FUE Hair Transplant Work?

The FUE hair transplant method or follicular unit extraction is a fairly new hair transplant method. This hair transplant is less persistent than customary procedures and doesn’t use stitches or scalpels. It was pioneered by Dr. Campbell and Dr. Woods and is sometimes known to as the woods hair transplant.

Because it is fairly new, not every hair transplant doctors offer FUE method and yet among the ones that do, there can be a large range of experience and skill level with performing this hair transplant method.

How does FUE hair transplant work? With FUE transplant, every follicular hair/unit is individually extracted from the sides and back of the head and inserted them into the target site. The doctor utilizes a small needle to extract the follicular hair, removing the neediness for a scalpel to cut skin from head back.

Not like the customarily FUSS or strip technique, FUE hair restoration doesn’t need stitches because only little wounds that are left and the scars are no visible. Since it is less persistent the donor sites heals faster.

There is still risk whereas the FUE hair transplant method offers an exceptional procedure of scalpel-free hair transplant. In order to find out if the FUE technique is proper for you, discuss a few surgeons to know their opinion. Once you choose on a surgeon to perform FUE surgery, she or he completely gives information to you about the benefits and drawbacks of the FUE.

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