Male Pattern Baldness

How to Stop Male Pattern Baldness

Finding out how to stop male pattern balding is not as hard as you may consider. Actually, the cause of this condition is in hair follicles. If you are still doing hair restoration, may be the following 3 tips to stop male pattern balding will benefit you.

Progression of male pattern baldness stages, showing gradual hair loss over time

Male Pattern Baldness

Consume vitamins

Although officially male pattern balding is a genetic condition, the hair follicles are still can malnourished. Make certain you take a lot of magnesium, copper, zinc, biotin, and vitamin B6.

Stop the cause

If you need to know male pattern balding, you must know what you really face. This is, in actual fact, a genetic condition. There are several people who have genetic condition like their body produce too much male sex hormone (androgen) called DHT (dihydrotestosterone).

That hormone attaches itself to the hair follicles and blocks the hair follicles from nutrient rich blood. So it makes the hairs thinning and finally dies. To stop this condition, you can take propecia or finasteride, or the natural medicine like herbs saw palmetto.

Nourish the Hair Follicles

Another thing that you must notice is scalp circulation. You can take the topical hair treatment that FDA approved like minoxidil. Apply the 5% solution to the balding area on your scalp every morning. This treatment can widen your vessels and fix proper circulation and make your hair regrowth again.

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