The Reviews and Side Effects of Minoxidil Topical Solution for Women
Minoxidil topical solution is a hair product for hair loss treatment that has been approved by FDA. The brand name of this medicine is Rogaine, or in UK is known as Regaine. This medicine is a topical solution that you should apply it directly on the scalp. At first it was provided using doctor prescription but today is offered as an over the counter medicine as both generic Minoxidil and Rogaine. Minoxidil is offered in 5% concentration for men and 2% concentration for women, and in recent times it is developed a new formulation of Minoxidil in a 5% Minoxidil foam, that is a less easier and greasy to apply the solution.

Minoxidil Topical Solution for Women
Minoxidil topical solution for women is work especially for women who suffer from pattern hair loss. Nevertheless, only Minoxidil 2% that has been recommended for women. There have been researches carried out that 5% solution performed has been used. These researches reported that 5% concentration performed dominance over the 2% concentration.
Local irritation is the most general type of Minoxidil side effect. Nevertheless, Minoxidil foam is much less irritating than the version of original. One of Minoxidil side effect in women is facial hair growth. Even though this may reduce when the treatment is stopped, at time the hair should be taken away after treatment ends, with either lasers or electrolysis. To reduce of this occurrence, when applying the solution, you should be careful, and try to keep away from the medicine dropping on the forehead and temples. There is a bigger chance of this occurrence if the 5% concentration is used.
Another Minoxidil topical solution side effect that is sensitive for women is hypotension – decreasing blood pressure. It is uncommon that women will get dizzy, that is a low blood pressure symptom when applying Minoxidil topical solution. Women may also have risk of increasing an allergic skin effect on the scalp.
It is very important to consider that topical solution can cause birth defects, so it is very vital those women who planning to become pregnant, or having pregnant, or nursing should not use this medicine.
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