Treatment for Traction Alopecia
Traction Alopecia
Chronic traction on the hair follicle causes traction alopecia. Mostly African-American people who plait their hair too strongly suffer traction alopecia. Other ethnic groups who have traditional braid hair also suffer from it because they always pull their hair.

This kind of hair loss is also suffered by men who doing hairpieces attach to their existing hair. Traction alopeciais such situation can also make to enduring hair loss if the people attach hairpiece in the same place over a long period of time.
If we take the case from ethnic group above, traction alopecia happens generally in young adults, teenagers, pre-teenagers then it does in older women and men.
The hair style aids that is used too over like curling irons or sponge hair rollers may also make traction alopecia. This case usually shows as different patches of hair loss in those locations where the hair follicles and the hair have been taken under extreme strain.

Traction Alopecia
An effective treatment for traction alopecia is not doing hair styling like take extreme strain on the hair. Still with traction alopecia treatment, it may take up to 3 months for recovering the hair. Scalp areas that suffer from traction alopecia may never completely recover.
Commonly traction alopecia is non-inflammatory, non-scarring form of hair loss even though using hair styling in long term taking in traction over three or more years may effect a kind immune cell infiltrate and permanent scarring damage to several hair follicles.
Irreversible traction alopecia doesn’t react to medical cure such as finasteride or minoxidil proper to non-genetic hair loss nature. The only treatment for traction alopecia is hair transplants. And the only sensible solution for traction alopecia treatment is follicular unit hair grafting.