Minoxidil Topical Solution Side Effects

Minoxidil Topical Solution Side Effects

Minoxidil Topical Solution Side Effects

Several people get advantage from Minoxidil topical solution, but other people gets the side effects from it. It looks women get better treatment than in men. Minoxidil topical solution can help people to keep and promote the new hair growth.

Common Minoxidil topical solution side effects are skin rash or itching, dermatitis, pruritus, scaling, erythema. When using Minoxidil, you should avoide sunburn as several dermatologists have recommended Minoxidil worsens the tissue damage.

Rare Minoxidil topical solution side effects are an intolerance to tobacco, swelling of the face, reddened skin, soreness or inflammation at hair root, increased hair loss, burning of the scalp, acne at application area.

Commonly, Minoxidil topical solution will only act inside the skin, but a little bit Minoxidil will penetrate the stream of blood and it has systemic effects. Symptoms of too much taking Minoxidil are fast weight gain, inflammation on lower legs, feet, hands, or face, lack of feeling of face, feet, or hands, dizziness, headache, and flushing, irregular or rapid heartbeat, decrease of sexual desire or ability, chest pain, blurred vision.

Several women and not often in some men may have hair growth in places where Minoxidil wasn’t used. This excess hair growth can happen anywhere on the body part but most usually it happens on the arms or on the face, especially forehead and cheeks. The excess of hair growth is completely reversible if medicine is stopped once the Minoxidil topical solution side effects are noticed.

There are no reports about side effects for pregnant women who use Minoxidil. Nevertheless, in Minoxidil users, Minoxidil has been found in the breast milk of them. Usually dermatologists suggest pregnant women should not take Minoxidil.

When you experience side effects of Minoxidil topical solution, you should consult to your doctor.

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